Feb 18, 2025  
Spring 2023 Academic Catalog 
Spring 2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Handbook (2022-2023)

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

Rights and Responsibilities of Pierpont Community & Technical College Students

Career Services

Counseling and Disability Services

Placement Testing Services

IT Help Desk



General Regulations and Policies

Student Code of Conduct

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Statement

Pierpont Community & Technical College is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Institution. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the West Virginia Human Rights Act, Title IX (Educational Amendments of 1972), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended and the other applicable laws and regulations, the College provides equal opportunity to all prospective and current members of the student body, faculty, and staff on the basis of individual qualifications and merit without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, height, weight, religion, creed, genetic information disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression/association that is identified and defined by applicable laws and regulations in employment, admissions, educational programs and activities.

All career and technical education courses and programs are offered at Pierpont regardless of race, color, national origin, gender or disability.

The College neither affiliates knowingly with, nor grants recognition to an individual, group or organization having policies that discriminate based on race, color, gender, national origin, age, height, weight, religion, creed, genetic information disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression/association that is identified and defined by applicable laws and regulations in employment, admissions, educational programs and activities.

Further inquiries may be directed to the Director of Human Resources, who is the Section 504 and Title IX Coordinator and Affirmative Action Office:

Director of Human Resources
Advanced Technology Center, Room 200
500 Galliher Dr.
Fairmont, WV 26554

Phone:  681-753-5712

Rights and Responsibilities of Pierpont Community & Technical College Students

Society has allocated to Pierpont Community & Technical College and its community - faculty, students, and administrators - a position of special esteem and unique freedom to facilitate the accomplishments of its mission. The parallel obligation of Pierpont Community & Technical College is to establish high goals and strive to achieve them. The aim of Pierpont must be the pursuit of truth and the furtherance and creation of knowledge. The greatest measure of the excellence of Pierpont is the intellectual growth of its students, their commitment to the use of reason in the resolution of problems, their development to technical and intellectual integrity.

Freedom of Expression and Assembly

Students enjoy the essential freedoms of scholarship and inquiry consistent with programs of formal education in institutions of higher learning and are accorded the same degree of academic freedom enjoyed by faculty and staff members of the Pierpont Community & Technical College community. All Pierpont resources and facilities designed to enhance and encourage learning are available to students, within the bounds of Pierpont policies governing the use of such materials and facilities. Students are encouraged to inquire, discuss, and to evaluate the opinions of any person or groups of people, regardless of whether such persons are members of the Pierpont community.

Any recognized group of students has the right to invite to the campus and to listen to any person or group of persons of its choice, provided that such activities are scheduled in the manner set forth in the published guidelines of Pierpont Community & Technical College and that such activities are conducted in a manner appropriate to the standards of the Pierpont community.

Any recognized group or individual student has the privilege of expressing their own personal views and may espouse causes pertaining to either Pierpont and campus life or to extramural questions and problems, provided the methods of support are peaceful and orderly and in keeping with good taste and propriety and do not infringe upon the rights and freedom of other members of the Pierpont community nor disrupt the orderly procedures necessary to the continuing operation of Pierpont Community & Technical College and its programs of living and learning. All meetings, social affairs, and other student activities must be scheduled in accordance with procedures outlined in this handbook. Each organization scheduling events involving the use of Pierpont Community & Technical College property shall be held responsible for the orderly and proper use of the facility and for the proper conduct of those persons taking part in the activity, avoiding conduct that might disrupt normal institutional operations.

All state and federal laws, college policies and local ordinances must be followed. No person may block building entrances, create health or safety issues, impede pedestrian of vehicular traffic, interfere with regularly scheduled classes, events or ceremonies or essential operations, use amplification systems that create undesirable noise levels, create destruction of property, hold gatherings with 75 feet of entrance to any campus facility, hold gatherings of 50 people or more without a permit, cause a threat to public safety.

Student Participation in Governance

Student participation in governance has at least three facets:

  • Students have a right to organize and administer the functioning of essential student activities and programs.
  • Students, both individually and collectively, have a right to be heard on any issue that concerns them.
  • Students have a right to participate in the institution policy making, including voting representation on certain committees, in decisions directly affecting student life.

Freedom of Association

Students may organize whatever associations they deem desirable or may affiliate with any group for which they feel qualified for membership, provided the purposes of such groups are compatible with and in the best interests of the Pierpont Community & Technical College community and its stated purposes of educating the individual. To qualify for recognition and permission to operate as a Pierpont Community & Technical College organization, all groups must follow the procedures as set forth in the Student Body Constitution and Bylaws, Article X. All student organizations concerned essentially with student activities shall be organized and administered by students and have a staff advisor. The Advisor may or may not vote in the assembly.

Emergency Notifications

In the event of a campus emergency, every student will receive an email message in their student email account informing them of any important information. We will also post emergency messages at pierpont.edu as well as in the Pierpont Portal announcement section. Students can also opt to have a text message sent to their cell phones, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. 

Career Services

Jennifer McConnell, Director of Admissions and Recruiting Student Services Center
500 Galliher Drive, Fairmont, WV 26554; (304) 367-4907; 

Pierpont Career Services assists students, prospective students, and alumni throughout every stage of their career development. Career Services is committed to helping you meet your academic, career, and employment goals. We provide a full spectrum of services ranging from, but not limited to: mock interviews, how to write an effective resume, how to network and use social media, how to job and internship search, college transfer preparation, career workshops, job fairs, and how to accomplish your career goals and plan your career path. All services are free. We are here to provide you with the tools necessary to reach your goals and make significant contributions to employers and the community. Pierpont has also purchased “Student Lingo” products to help prepare students for life at Pierpont and after Pierpont.

Counseling and Disability Services

Suzan Clemens, Ph.D.
500 Galliher Drive, Fairmont, WV 26554; (304) 534-7878; (304)367-4906 (TTY); 

Counseling Services

The Counseling Services Office provides professional assistance to students experiencing a variety of personal and social problems. The staff consists of professionals trained in clinical practice and counseling. Students may seek assistance in dealing with personal and relationship issues, managing homesickness and anxiety, learning to deal with stress and many other problems. Benefits of counseling include increased self-awareness, maximizing potential and making the college experience more productive and meaningful.

Crisis Intervention

In an emergency situation that requires immediate attention call 911.

If you or someone you know is in a crisis situation on campus during office hours (M-F, 8am-4pm):

-You can come directly to the Counseling Center or call us at (304) 534-7878 to obtain help from an on-site counselor.

For an after-hours mental health crisis that does not involve physical danger:

-Please utilize a local or national crisis line for assistance.

Valley HealthCare (1800)232-0020 (Local) (1800)SUICIDE or (1800)273-TALK (1877)YOUTHLINE

Trevor Project (LBGTQ) (866)488-7386 IMALIVE.org (Online Crisis Network)

For a mental health crisis that requires physical assistance:

-Call 911 or going to a local hospital’s Emergency Department is recommended.


If something has happened to you or others and you are not sure who to speak with or talk to, and it is not an emergency, use the link below to contact the care team. https://www.pierpont.edu/current-students/student-services/counseling-center/CARE

Services for Students with Disabilities

The Office of Disability Services’ mission is to eliminate disability discrimination and to ensure equal educational opportunity for students who qualify as a person with a disability under the applicable laws (ADA, Section 504). We work closely with students to determine reasonable accommodations that will minimize the disadvantage their disability may cause. Many students who were under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan during high school will qualify for services, as will many other students who might not have not received any specialized services during their K-12 education.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Services Office and provide appropriate documentation of their disability that might interfere with their educational pursuit. Approved accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Any requirement an instructor demonstrates as essential to any directly related licensing requirement or to a program of instruction pursued by a student with a disability cannot be altered.

For more information, contact the office of Counseling & Disability Services by phone at (304)534-7878 or by email at access@pierpont.edu

IT Help Desk 

500 Galliher Drive, Fairmont, WV 26554; (304)333-3731; help@pierpont.edu

The IT Help Desk is located at the Advanced Technology Center (ATC) and offers a variety of services specific to the student community enrolled at Pierpont Community & Technical College. From our Help Desk, we offer telephone, walk-in, and live chat support to assist the campus during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). To reach us, call (304)333-3731. We also offer some evening and weekend hours. Please call for availability or submit a ticket for help by emailing help@pierpont.edu.

The Help Desk staff can help remove malware from your personally owned computers, assist in getting your devices (computers as well as tablets and smartphones) connected to our network, and offer many other services. Help is provided for Pierpont Portal, Blackboard, Cloud computing, computer labs, ROAR, email use, online storage, and anti-virus.

Pierpont’s Campus Store


Pierpont’s Campus Store is the official college bookstore for Pierpont Community & Technical College. Located online, which promotes access for our students, the campus store carries textbooks, school supplies and a variety of merchandise such as study aids, general reading and test prep books, clothing, gift items, bookstore gift cards, computer supplies and imprinted Pierpont items. Students are able to use their student accounts and financial aid to purchase required materials.

The bookstore stocks both new and used textbooks for purchase, along with digital format books when available. The bookstore also offers a textbook rental program for select titles. Please visit the online bookstore for more information.


Pierpont students are expected to abide by all Pierpont public safety rules.

General Regulations and Policies


Pierpont Community & Technical College does not permit or approve of the possession, distribution, or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on any campus, or in any approved residence, or by recognized campus organizations. This is consistent with Interpretive Rule, State College System of West Virginia Board of Directors, Series No. 42.

Pierpont’s position is to firmly discourage the use of alcoholic beverages without infringing upon the rights of those persons protected by the law. The legal age in West Virginia for purchasing alcoholic liquor, wine, or non-intoxicating beer is 21.

Students are advised that they will be held responsible and disciplined for any violation of the law governing the use of alcohol or other illegal drugs. As adults, students are expected to obey the law and be responsible for their own conduct. Individuals found in violation of alcohol policies or state law, or whom display prohibited or disruptive behavior because of intoxication while on the premises, or while participating in college sponsored activity, may be subject to disciplinary action.

Individuals found violating municipal ordinances or state laws relating to the purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on any campus of Pierpont Community & Technical College may also be subject to prosecution for the violation in the appropriate court. The imposition of disciplinary proceedings is not dependent upon nor determined by existence or outcome of any criminal prosecution.

Counseling services are available for students who are concerned about their drinking or drug abuse. They are there to listen to you, to help you understand the nature of alcohol and drug abuse and to suggest a program, if appropriate, to meet your needs. For more information, call (304)367-4792 or refer to the Academic Catalog.


Speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour (unless otherwise posted) during normal conditions. Drivers are expected to yield to and stop for pedestrians.


By state law, Pierpont Community & Technical College Public Safety officials have the authority to issue parking and traffic citations, tow vehicles, and collect a civil penalty for any violation of these regulations. Any questions concerning traffic or parking regulations should be directed to Dale Bradley, Vice President for Administration at 304-367-4907.


State law provides that a male person who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years may not enroll in a state-supported institution of postsecondary education unless he is in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S. Code, Appendix 451, et seq. and the amendments thereto). A male person may not receive a loan, grant, scholarship or other financial assistance for postsecondary higher education funded by state revenue, including federal funds or gifts and grants accepted by this State, or receive a student loan guaranteed by the State unless he is in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act. Selective Service Act registration information should be available at all United States Postal Service facilities and may be available at some high schools. The Selective Service System also provides information through a web site, http://www.sss.gov.


Computer abuse will not be tolerated. Any abuse of campus computers and/or computing facilities is also subject to applicable sections of the “College Standards of Personal and Group Conduct” contained in this handbook.

Computer Usage Guidelines

Users are to have a valid username and are only use those computer resources that are specifically authorized. Users may only use their usernames in accordance with its authorized purpose. Users should not let another person use their username. Passwords should be changed often to ensure that private and secure files are kept safe. Abuse or misuse of Pierpont computing resources will also be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the Pierpont Chief Judicial Officer. Students should refer to Board of Governors Policy 53 for complete guidelines.


Parental Notification of Alcohol and Drug Violations: The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 provides that:

“Nothing in this Act or the Higher Education Act of 1965 shall be construed to prohibit an institution of higher education from disclosing, to a parent or legal guardian of a student, information regarding any violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, regardless of whether that information is contained in the student’s education record, if -

  1. the student is under the age of 21; and
  2. the institution determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession.”

Pierpont  Community  &  Technical  College  Policy

Per the guidelines of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Pierpont may notify the parents or legal guardians of students who are involved in disruptive or inappropriate behavior or incidents resulting in a campus disciplinary action and which involves the use or possession of alcohol or drugs.


In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Pierpont has a Drug-Free Awareness Program designed to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. Further employment inquiries may be directed to:

Director of Human Resources
Advanced Technology Center, Room 200
500 Galliher Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

Phone:  681-753-5712


The Pierpont e-mail address assigned to a student will serve as the official email address used by the institution for all correspondence including invoices, financial aid notifications, and information from the Student Services Center. The Admissions Office will send an official admission letter informing students of their email account information. The Admissions Office will also formally notify students of the institution’s policies regarding the use of Pierpont email for all major institutional correspondence. No other email addresses will be included when emails are sent. The parent email address will be collected at Orientation for new students and the first invoice will be sent to those addresses in addition to the student’s address.


Pierpont Community & Technical College is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action institution. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, West Virginia Human Rights Act, Title IX (Educational Amendments of 1972), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the other applicable laws and regulations, the institution provides equal opportunity to all prospective and current members of the student body, faculty, and staff on the basis of individual qualifications and merit without regard to race, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation as identified and defined by law.

Pierpont neither affiliates knowingly with nor grants recognition to any individual, group or organization having policies that discriminate based on race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation as defined by applicable laws and regulations. Further inquiries may be directed to:

Director of Human Resources
Advanced Technology Center, Room 200
500 Galliher Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

Phone:  681-753-5712


Emphasis is given to supporting an environment which values students, faculty and staff of diverse backgrounds and encourages the fulfillment of educational objectives and potentials free from harassment. Those categories of speech which are protected under First Amendment freedom of speech protections, but which have negative connotations, are however considered inappropriate and offensive behaviors at Pierpont and will be addressed through educational, and, as appropriate, disciplinary measures. The policy prohibits acts of written and/or physical abuse and harassment, which deny, prohibit, or violate the human rights or civil rights of any member of Pierpont Community & Technical College community of employees and students. The policy also prohibits verbal harassment that would tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace or provoke violent reaction. The responsibility for understanding and respecting diversity is campus- wide, not the sole responsibility of any one office or person.

Further inquiries may be directed to:

Director of Human Resources
Advanced Technology Center, Room 200
500 Galliher Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

Phone:  681-753-5712

Statement on Racial Harassment

This statement should be used in conjunction with the Pierpont’s Harassment Policy, which describes in detail Pierpont’s philosophical approach to embracing diversity and multiculturalism, and outlines approach to addressing incidents of harassment. This Statement on Racial Harassment provides clarifying language regarding one form of harassment, racial harassment.

For more information or to file a complaint call:

Director of Human Resources
Advanced Technology Center, Room 200
500 Galliher Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

Phone:  681-753-5712

Statement on Sexual Harassment

This statement should be used in conjunction with the Pierpont’s Harassment Policy, which describes in detail Pierpont’s commitment to prevent harassment of any form and outlines the approach to addressing incidents of harassment. Pierpont Community & Technical College, as an employer and an educational institution, has responsibility for establishing an environment free from sexual harassment. As an employer, Pierpont must meet the obligations of the EEOC guidelines that define sexual harassment and recognize it as a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As an educational institution, Pierpont must provide protection from and access to redress for sexual harassment against students, as suggested in language in Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments. Sexual harassment in any manner or form is expressly prohibited.

For more information or to file a complaint call:

Director of Human Resources
Advanced Technology Center, Room 200
500 Galliher Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554

Phone:  681-753-5712


No student shall, individually or by joining with one or more other persons, engage in any act of hazing involving another member of the institutional community. Hazing may be defined as follows:

  • to subject to cruel horseplay
  • to harass or punish by the imposition of disagreeable tasks
  • to frighten, scold, beat, or annoy by playing abusive tricks upon an individual

Pierpont Community & Technical College prohibits any action, which subjects a new member, initiate, or member of a student organization to activities, which are personally demeaning or involve a substantial risk of physical injury. This includes both organized rites of initiations, and informal activities.

Hazing may also include but is not limited to any brutality such as paddling, whipping, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, or other substance or any other forced physical activity which could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the individual. Hazing shall also include any activity which would subject the individual to extreme mental stress such as: sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment. Students involved in hazing activities are subject to institutional disciplinary action and criminal prosecution.


All students wishing to park a car at Pierpont Community & Technical College owned campus locations will be provided with a parking pass. Parking passes are required to park at the Advanced Technology Center, Caperton Center, and Byrd National Aerospace Education Center.  They are required 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Parking passes are not required at regional locations owned by county Boards of Education or other entities. The parking pass should be placed on the rear driver side window at the top or bottom of the window.

Students may obtain a parking pass at the Pierpont Student Services Center, located at the Advanced Technology Center. Passes must be displayed from the vehicle’s rear-view mirror. Certain parking areas are designated as parking for faculty and staff only. Students are not allowed to park in these areas. Pierpont assumes no responsibility for damage to or theft of any vehicle or its contents at any time while the vehicle is on any campus.


The following regulations regarding posters, signs, and public notices of any type have been established:

  • To comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act, all advertising literature of organizations sponsoring activities must indicate that the event will be made accessible to persons with disabilities, and auxiliary aids and services will be made available.
  • Posters, signs, and public notices of any type may be displayed only on bulletin boards. Posting material on any internal or external walls, doors, windows, or any other surfaces is prohibited.
  • No commercial notices may be posted on campus.
  • Special exterior signs that announce activities of campus-wide nature may be displayed upon approval. These announcements generally include Student Government sponsored activities, platform speakers, major musical concerts, and dramatic productions.

Student organizations need the approval of Raven Thomas, Student Involvement Coordinator.  She can be reached by phone at 304-534-7864 and by email at rthomas9@pierpont.edu.  All other requests are made to Skye Feather.  She can be reached by phone at 304-534-7740 and by email at bfeather@pierpont.edu.


As required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, reasonable accommodations will be provided for those students whose disability may affect their pursuit of a college education. These students must contact the Disability Services office at (304) 534-7878 and attend an intake appointment if these services are desired. Disability Services is located at the Advanced Technology Center (ATC). Documentation of the disability for which accommodations are being requested is required. Information about documentation requirements is available on the Disability Services section on the Pierpont website. Students who are registered must present to the faculty their accommodation letter for each class every semester and have the faculty sign the letter to receive the accommodations. For additional information contact the coordinator for Disability Services at (304) 534-7878 or consult the Disability Services webpage.


Pierpont will not tolerate, in any manner, any sexual assault on campus or at any campus related facility. Violators will be prosecuted fully of the law. Pierpont provides counseling free of charge to students who are sexual assault survivors. Appointments are made by phone (304) 534-7878 or in person at the Counseling Center during regular hours of operation (M-F, 8-4). If crisis counseling is required after hours, an individual can contact:

  • Hope Inc.:  Domestic Violence Center in Fairmont at (304)367-1100.
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network Hotline at (1800)-656-HOPE (4673). It is a national 24-hour hotline that can be accessed anywhere in the United States.
  • WV Foundation for Rape Information & Services: http://www.fris.org/CrisisCenters/WVCrisisCenters.html

See the Title IX Web page and BOG policy 9 for additional information.

In accordance with Title IX regulations, the institution has designated Mr. George Perich as Title IX Coordinator. He is charged with monitoring compliance with these regulations. Questions regarding Title IX, as well as concerns and complaints of non-compliance, may be directed to him at gperich@pierpont.edu.

The Title IX Coordinator oversees the dissemination of information regarding Title IX to students, staff and faculty; coordinates training for employees; maintains Title IX grievance/complaint files; monitors Title IX Deputies in the investigation and disposition of complaints; and answers inquiries from college and community members.

Title IX deputies, including Skye Feather, Jillian Sole, Natalie Sypolt, and William Shockley at Pierpont field inquiries from students, faculty, staff and administrators regarding their rights and responsibilities under Title IX; help to investigate cases of alleged discrimination; and assist the Title IX Coordinator in oversight and implementation of Title IX compliance and training efforts.

In addition, the Counseling Center offers counseling to sexual assault victims as well as family and friends. Counseling services are free of charge and appointments may be made by phone at (304) 534-7878.


Policy Statement: Research demonstrates that cigarette smoking is a clear and present danger to health. Current research also emphasizes the extreme danger to non-smokers from secondary smoke. Therefore, Pierpont Community & Technical College recognizes its duty to provide a safe and healthy environment and is a tobacco free campus. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco will be prohibited on the campuses of Pierpont Community & Technical College. This applies to the Gaston Caperton Center in Clarksburg, the Robert C. Byrd National Aerospace Education Center in Bridgeport, the North Central Advanced Technology Center and all regional locations. Smoking is also prohibited in any motor vehicle owned, leased, or otherwise operated by Pierpont Community & Technical College. Visitors are expected to comply with this policy. Tobacco products will not be sold on campus. For more information on this policy, please refer to Board of Governors Policy 60.

The success of this policy will require the understanding and cooperation of all smokers and non-smokers, and their acceptance of the responsibility to observe this smoking policy. The Director of Human Resources, in cooperation with the Student Health Service Staff and the Staff Training and Development Committee, will schedule smoking cessation classes for employees and students who wish to avail themselves of the classes. Anyone detecting a violation of this policy should immediately notify the violator.


Consistent with its comprehensive mission, and recognizing that the development of human potential is a fundamental goal in as democratic society, the Pierpont Community & Technical College Board of Governors promotes an educational system that values cultural and ethnic diversity and understanding; that provides for the preparation of students for full and meaningful participation in a changing world; and that promotes equitable and fair treatment in every aspect of campus life and employment for all persons, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual preference, sexual orientation, age, religion, veteran status, or disability. For more information on this policy, please refer to Board of Governors Policy 8.


Social Media Guidelines for Pierpont can be found at: https://www.pierpont.edu/webcommunications/socialmedia. When participating, be upfront and honest about who you are and what you represent. Use common sense before you post or comment and respect the values and etiquette of communities that you join.

  • Be transparent about your identity and if you are representing Pierpont.
  • Clearly state your roles and goals
  • Never conceal your identity
  • Ask your supervisor when you need approval to respond directly to users on sites.
  • Post accurate and useful information
  • Don’t self-promote
  • Have all the facts before you post
  • Fact check before posting
  • Cite and link sources
  • If you have questions about appropriateness, don’t post, ask a supervisor
  • If you make an error, correct as soon as possible
  • Post quick, concise and easy to read posts
  • Don’t use images or logos you do not have permission to use
  • Monitor your sites and update frequently
  • Don’t spam or make remarks that are off topic
  • Maintain confidentiality and data security, don’t post confidential or proprietary information
  • Don’t violate the Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act
  • Personnel matters regarding employees, and students should not be discussed
  • Maintain personal sites on your own time and own computer Before responding ask yourself:
  • Does this comment need a response?
  • Am I the right person to respond?
  • Do I know the culture of the blog or on-line community? Tips
  • Speak in first person
  • Be personable and respectful
  • Share links to official sources
  • Don’t leak confidential information
  • Proof read at least three times before posting


“All solicitation and selling of products and articles upon property under the jurisdiction of the State System of West Virginia Board of Directors is prohibited except by organizations and groups directly connected with the institution and upon written approval.” (Series 55)

On-Campus Sales (General): Advance permission of at least two weeks must be obtained from the Office of Student Activities in writing before any recognized campus organization may conduct a sale on campus (excluding food sales). See the Student Organization Handbook for details on permitted fund-raising activities and suggested sources for club funding. 

On-Campus Sales (Food Sales): Advance permission of at least one week must be obtained from the Office of Student Activities in writing before any recognized campus organization may conduct a food sale. No more than two sales per semester will be granted for any recognized campus organization. Any student group conducting an unauthorized sale will be subject to disciplinary action.

Off-Campus Sales: Student organizations wishing to solicit off campus must first consult with the Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement to review their plans and be oriented to local solicitation regulations. The City of Fairmont requires that all groups seeking solicitation permits in the city must file a registration statement giving the: group’s name, national and state or local chapter, address, date established, names of officers and director, a copy of the group’s financial statement, a copy of forms establishing the group’s tax-exempt status, general purpose of the fundraising and the persons in charge of collection and distribution of the proceeds.

Funds and Gifts: No individual, firm, group, organization, or corporation is permitted to solicit funds through sales, services, or donations on any Pierpont Community & Technical College campus for either commercial or charitable purposes without authorization in writing of the Vice President for Organization and Development. No student of Pierpont Community & Technical College has authority to participate in the solicitation of funds by sales or through donations, with intention stated or implied that funds so received are to be used for the benefit of Pierpont or the students of Pierpont without written authorization of the Vice President for Organization and Development. This limitation applies to activities either on or off campus. No individual, firm, group, organization, or other agency has authority to use the name of Pierpont Community & Technical College to secure funds for any purpose, by any means, without the written permission of the Vice President for Organization and Development.

Lotteries and Raffles: Raising funds using lotteries, raffles, or any other form of wagering is restricted by West Virginia State law and by Pierpont Community & Technical College regulations. Any on-campus lottery must first be approved. Student organizations contemplating an off-campus lottery should contact the Vice President for Organization and Development. A price charged for an item for sale or for admission to an event must entitle the purchaser to something of full value for their money. The practice of offering for sale some item of little value whereby the holder may participate in a lottery drawing or other game of chance is prohibited. The use of “door prizes” at dances or other social events is legal so long as those paying the price of admission are provided with full value in entertainment for the price paid, and so long as the door prize drawing is incidental and used only as a minor feature of the “Occasion”. “Door prizes” may not be solicited from local business firms. Exceptions to this rule must be approved.


The Office of Student Employment serves Pierpont students wanting a part-time job on campus or a part-time community service job off-campus. Student employment jobs give students the opportunity to earn extra money, learn valuable skills and experience to take with them when they graduate, and build valuable relationships with faculty, staff, supervisors and other students.

Federal Work Study and Auxiliary Student Workers Programs are available for employment. Federal Work Study is funded through the federal government and Pierpont. Awards are given on financial need basis. The Auxiliary Student Worker program is funded directly by the institution, and is not needs based.


It is prohibited to possess weapons including firearms on property owned or controlled by Pierpont Community & Technical College at any college sponsored event without the explicit authorization of the Campus Chief of Police, whether or not a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor.


The only exceptions to this policy are as follows:

  • Law enforcement officers
  • Military personnel in performance of their official duties


Violation of this policy shall be charged with a misdemeanor Upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or confined in the regional jail not more than six months, or both. (§61-7-14 WV Code). Exceptions to this policy may be requested in writing to the Campus Chief of Police.


Firearm: Any device that shoots a bullet, pellet, flare, tranquilizer, spear dart, paintball or other projectile, whether loaded or unloaded, including those powered by CO2. This includes, but is not limited to, guns, air guns, dart guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, cannons, etc., and any ammunition for any such device.

Weapon: Any device that is designed to or traditionally used to inflict harm. This includes, but is not limited to firearms, slingshots, switchblades, daggers, blackjacks, brass knuckles, bows and arrows, hand grenades, hunting knives, nun-chucks, throwing stars, etc.; any object that could be reasonably construed as a weapon; or any object legally controlled as a weapon or treated as a weapon under the laws of the State of West Virginia.

Explosives: Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportion, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or detonator, or any part of the compound or mixture, may cause a sudden generation of highly heated gases that results in gaseous pressures capable of producing destructive efforts on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. This includes, but is not limited to, firecrackers, black powder, dynamite, etc. as well as detonating devices such as detonators, blasting caps, timers, incendiary wire and the like.


Student Code of Conduct

Who can report an incident?

You. Not only can you report an incident, but any member of the campus community can report inappropriate behavior by our students. Any student, faculty member, staff member, administrator, or concerned party may bring a complaint to the attention of Pierpont’s student conduct officer. Persons who plan to bring a complaint against a student should notify the offices as quickly as possible.

How do I report an incident?

You may file a report with the Office of Academics and Student Services at 500 Galliher Drive, Fairmont, WV 26554 or (304) 367-4907.

The written report should include date; times; student(s) involved; witness(es); a factual account of what occurred (no opinions); and a signature.

Once a report is received, it will be investigated and appropriate action(s) will be taken. If the student is deemed to be an immediate threat to an individual or the campus community, s/he will be removed from campus pending the completion of the investigation. The student has the right to appeal.

Judicial Process

Below is the abbreviated version of the judicial process.

I. Jurisdiction

Students are bound by the Student Code of Conduct for conduct occurring on any Pierpont campus; relates to a Pierpont program even if the action occurs off-campus, such as at a clinical or internship site; a clinical or internship site is an extension of the Pierpont campus.

Behaviors that can affect a substantial college interest include, but is not limited to,  (1) any action that could constitute a criminal offense as defined by federal or state law even if no charges have been filed; (2) any situation that disrupts the rights, property, or achievements of self or others or significantly breaches the peace; or (3) any situation where the student may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of self or others.

II. Standard of Proof

All judicial decisions are made based on the “preponderance of the evidence,” which means the evidence in support of a fact finder’s decision is more likely true than not.

III. Reporting Alleged Misconduct

Any person wishing to report a student’s alleged incident of misconduct may submit an Incident Report to the Vice-President of Academics and Student Services who will determine whether the allegation, if true, may constitute a violation under this Code. The Vice-President or designee will assign the report to the Pierpont student conduct officer for preliminary review.

In situations requiring immediate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community, the Vice President of Academics and Student Services has full discretion and authority to address the conduct issue based on the exigencies of the situation.

To ensure the safety and security of the College community, students must self-report any arrest or conviction for any criminal offense, excluding minor traffic violations, that occur while the Student is enrolled at Pierpont.

IV. Preliminary Review and Meeting

The student conduct officer will review the report and gather additional information to determine whether sufficient information and documentation exist to charge the student with violating the Student Code.

Information gathering includes interviewing the complainant and any witnesses and meeting with the student in person or via a virtual meeting tool.

The student conduct officer will notify the student in writing, via campus email, to schedule an appointment for a preliminary meeting within five calendar days of the date on the written notice. The purpose of a preliminary meeting is to hear the student’s perspective on the incident, review other pertinent information, establish the student’s level of involvement, and determine whether substantial information exists to charge the student for violating this Code.

If a student fails to schedule or attend the scheduled meeting, then the preliminary review will proceed without the benefit of the student’s input. Failure to schedule or attend a scheduled meeting is a conduct violation.

If the student conduct officer determines that the accused student did not violate this Code (and this determination is reviewed by a senior administrator not involved in any appeal process), then the student shall not be charged.

If the student conduct officer determines, based on the preponderance of the evidence, that the accused student more than likely violated the Code, the student conduct officer will outline the charges and the supporting information. The accused student will have the opportunity to accept or deny responsibility for the actions.

If the accused student accepts responsibility for violating the Code, the student conduct officer will recommend a sanction to the VP for Academics and Student Services.

If the accused student denies responsibility for violating the Code or refuses to accept or deny responsibility, the student conduct officer will present all findings and documentation to the VP for Academics and Student Services to make an informed decision about the accused student’s responsibility for the alleged misconduct and to impose a sanction.

V. Grounds to Appeal a Sanction

In cases involving student conduct sanctioning, the student has five business days from the date the outcome letter was sent to submit a written appeal to the VP for Academics and Student Services.

Imposed sanctions, including removal from the college, will remain in place until the appeal process is complete.

VII. The Student Hearing Board

A hearing board consisting of a chairperson (one of the associate provosts), two faculty members from the Faculty Senate’s SHB, and two appointed students (e.g., student government, Phi Theta Kappa), and one student services staff member will hear all appeals.

The VP of Academics and Student Success will notify the chairperson of the student’s appeal. (Note: The voting panel must consist of an odd number. The chair will not have a vote.)

VIII. The Student Hearing Board Proceedings

The purpose of a formal hearing is to examine the report, the results of the student conduct officer’s preliminary meeting and additional information relevant to the report in order to determine the accused student’s responsibility and, if necessary, to impose a sanction.

During a hearing, no party present shall be accompanied by legal counsel.

The accused student may be accompanied by an advisor who may be a parent, legal guardian, another student, faculty, or staff member. If the student’s advisor is an attorney, that person may not act as an attorney during the hearing.

The student conduct officer will present the evidence that has been gathered by the college through the work of the student conduct officer and the Disciplinary Review Panel.

Both parties may present witnesses.

During a hearing, the SHB may hear and consider any relevant information. The determination of what is and is not relevant rests solely with the Chair.

After both parties have presented their case, the SHB will deliberate. SHB deliberations will not be recorded and must be confidential. By secret ballot, the SHB will vote for one of the following decisions:

  1. Find the accused student responsible for the alleged misconduct and uphold the  sanctions;
  2. Impose reduced sanctions determined by the SHB;
  3. Grant the appeal and dismiss the case; or
  4. Request further investigation by the student conduct officer.

IX. The Final Appeal

Within five calendar days of the Student Hearing Board’s decision, the student may submit a written appeal to the President, who may uphold or reverse the decision. The student will submit the appeal through the VP of Academics and Student Services. The President’s decision is final.

Procedure Revision: January 2023


A student that commits any of the following acts is subject to sanction:

Abusive Conduct

Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.


Use, possession, manufacturing, furnishing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by college regulations), or public intoxication. Students may not furnish alcohol to a person under the age of twenty- one. Students may not operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or while impaired by the consumption of alcohol.

Disorderly Conduct

Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach of peace.

Disruption of Activities

Disruption or obstruction of, or leading or inciting others to disrupt or obstruct, teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other college activities.

Drug Possession/Use

Students may not possess, use, or distribute controlled substances. Students may not possess or use drug paraphernalia. Students may not use any prescribed drug in a manner inconsistent with the prescription, nor may a student distribute drugs to others. Students may not intentionally or recklessly inhale or ingest substances (e.g., nitrous oxide, glue, paint, etc.) that will alter one’s mental state, or use products in a manner inconsistent with their intended and lawful use. Use, possession, or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law is prohibited.

Tobacco Use (Pierpont BOG Policy 60)

The use of tobacco and tobacco related products is prohibited on all premises owned, operated, leased or occupied by Pierpont Community & Technical College, or any street, road or thoroughfare passing through Pierpont owned property. This definition includes regional campuses.

Prohibited tobacco and tobacco related products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, dip, pipes, cigars, cigarillos, hookah or waterpipe smoking, snus and snuff. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors, and visitors, and it applies to all indoor and outdoor events.

There shall be no advertising, sale or free sampling of tobacco or tobacco related products on Pierpont Campuses. Littering the campus with the remains of tobacco, tobacco related products or other related waste products are prohibited. All members of the College community and visitors must comply with this policy. Violation of the policy by employees, students and visitors may be subject  to  fines  and/or  disciplinary  action.  The  President’s  designees  are responsible for the enforcement of this policy.

Misuse of Student ID Card/Keys

Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any college premises or unauthorized entry to or use of college premises.

Failure to Comply/Uncooperative Behavior

Failure to comply with directions of college officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.


Using, possessing, or storing of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on any campus property.

Fire Violations

Actions which cause or attempts to cause a fire or explosion, falsely reporting a fire, explosion or an explosive device, tampering with fire safety equipment or intentionally failing to evacuate buildings during a fire alarm.

Forgery, Misrepresentation, or Fraud
  • Forging or altering, or causing to be altered, the record of any grade in a grade book or other educational record;
  • Use of college documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud;
  • Presenting false data or intentionally misrepresenting one’s records for admission, registration, or withdrawal from the college or from a college course;
  • Knowingly presenting false data or intentionally misrepresenting one’s records for personal gain;
  • Knowingly furnishing the results of research projects or experiments for the inclusion in another’s work without proper citation;
  • Knowingly furnishing false statements in any college academic proceeding.

Harassment is repeated, unwelcomed, verbal, written, physical, or any  other conduct that disrupts or interferes with a student’s rights to a healthy environment.


No student shall, individually or by joining with one or more other persons, engage in any act of hazing involving another member of the institutional community. Hazing may be defined as follows:

  • To subject to cruel horseplay
  • To harass or punish by the imposition of disagreeable tasks
  • To frighten, scold, beat, or annoy by playing abusive tricks upon an individual

Pierpont Community & Technical College prohibit any action, which subjects a new member, initiate, or member of a student organization to activities, which are personally demeaning or involve a substantial risk of physical injury. This includes both organized rites of initiations, and informal activities.

Hazing may also include but is not limited to any brutality such as:

  • paddling
  • whipping
  • forced calisthenics
  • exposure to the elements
  • forced consumption of any food, liquor, or other substance
  • or any other forced physical activity which could adversely affect the physical
  • health or safety of the individual
  • and shall include any activity which would subject the individual to extreme mental stress such as:
    • sleep deprivation
    • forced exclusion from social contact
    • forced conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment or adverse effect

Students involved in hazing activities are subject to institutional disciplinary action and criminal prosecution.

Federal, State, or Local Law Violations

Federal, State and local law violations include a violation of any federal, state, or local law.


Plagiarism is defined in terms of prohibited acts. Students are expected to understand that such practices constitute academic dishonesty regardless of motive. Those who deny deceitful intent, claim not to have known that the act constituted plagiarism, or maintain that what they did was inadvertent are nevertheless subject to penalties when plagiarism has been confirmed. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Submitting as one’s own work the product of someone else’s research, writing, artistic conception, invention, or design; that is, submitting as one’s own work any report, notebook, speech, outline, theme, thesis, dissertation, commercially prepared paper, musical piece or other written, visual, oral or electronic/computerized material that has been copied in whole or in part from the work of others, whether such source is published or unpublished;

  2. Incorporating in one’s submission, without appropriate acknowledgment and attribution, portions of the works of others; that is, failing to use the conventional marks and symbols to acknowledge the use of verbatim and near-verbatim passages of someone else’s work or failing to name the source of words, pictures, graphs, etc., other than one’s own, that are incorporated into any work submitted as one’s own.

  3. Cheating and dishonest practices in connection with examinations, papers, and projects including, but not limited to:

    1. Obtaining help from another student during examinations;

    2. Knowingly giving help to another student during examinations, taking an examination or doing academic work for another student, or providing one’s own work for another student to copy and submit as his/her own;

    3. The unauthorized use of notes, books, or other sources of information during examinations;

    4. Obtaining without authorization an examination or any part thereof.

Physical Assault or Battery

The use of physical force against an individual or acts that cause physical injury. Intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with another person or intentionally causing harm to another person.

Policy violations of any published college policies, rules or regulations in hard copy or available electronically on the college websites.

Sexual Assault

Sexual intercourse with, and/or sexual intrusion against, a person capable of giving consent, without such person’s consent, or a person incapable of giving consent;

a. Sexual assault or abuse, statutory or acquaintance rape, sexual harassment.

Sexual Exploitation

Non-consensual recording or photographing of sexual activity not limited to recordings, photos, or other images of an individual’s sexual activity. Allowing third parties to observe sexual activity.


Occurs when a person engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person under a set of circumstances that would cause a person to fear bodily injury or to experience emotional distress.

Department of Justice definition of Stalking:

Stalking includes, (1)Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications from a perpetrator by phone, mail, or e-mail; (2) Repeatedly leaving or sending victims unwanted items, presents, flowers;(3) Following or waiting for a victim at places such as home, school, work, or place of recreation; (4) Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim, victim’s children, family, or pets; (5) Damaging or threatening to damage the victim’s property; and (6) Posting information or spreading rumors about the victim on the internet in a public place or by word of mouth.

Student Conduct Violations
  1. Failure to obey the notice from a Student Conduct Board, College official to appear for a meeting or hearing for violations of the college Code of Student Conduct.

  2. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a Student Hearing/Conduct Board.

  3. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a judicial proceeding.

  4. Institution of a student conduct code proceeding in bad faith.

  5. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the judicial and other proceedings associated with the college Student Code of Conduct.

  6. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a Student Hearing/Conduct Board prior to, and/or during the course of, the judicial proceeding.

  7. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a Student Hearing/Conduct Board prior to, during, and/or after a judicial proceeding.

  8. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the student code.

  9. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the judicial system.

Technology Violations
  1. Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.

  2. Unauthorized transfer of a file.

  3. Unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and password.

  4. Use of computing facilities to improperly interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or college official.

  5. Use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive messages.

  6. Use of computing facilities to improperly interfere with normal operation of the college computing system.

  7. Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws.

  8. Any violation of the college Computer Use Policy.


Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property.

Traffic Obstruction

Improper obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

Unauthorized Entry/Presence

Students and their guests may not enter any residence property without permission. This includes but is not limited to occupying any restricted, locked, or closed residence hall or campus facility (including roofs and housekeeper’s closets, offices, dining hall, computer labs, mechanical areas, fitness centers, student rooms, or elevators). Students and their guests may not enter the restroom of the opposite sex, enter a residence hall through a residence hall window, or any other unauthorized entrance, and are not permitted to prop or use (except in an emergency situation) an exterior, emergency exit, or alarmed door. Students and their guests are strictly prohibited from entering a construction area or safety zone without authorization. Furthermore, residents may not enter a residence hall or campus property after having been evicted or restricted from a residence hall or campus property, or allow access to others who have been restricted from a residence hall or campus property. Department of Public Safety will be contacted for reported or suspected cases of trespassing. Typical sanctions will be at the discretion of the student conduct officer.

Possible Sanctions

Warning: A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated Board of Governors policies, institutional rules and regulations, or the Student Code of Conduct. Any further prohibited conduct could result in more severe disciplinary action.

Probation I: An official disciplinary status enacted for a specified duration admonishing a student that any further misconduct during this time may result in suspension. A copy of the notice is sent to the student’s Academic Dean and to the student’s parent(s)/guardian if he/she is a dependent.

Probation II: An official disciplinary status enacted for a specified duration stipulating that a student, in lieu of active suspension, is being allowed to remain at the college provided that the student adheres to certain conditions, as set by the Judicial Affairs Officer or Student Conduct Hearing/Appeal Board. Failure to meet these conditions will result in automatic suspension from the college. The Judicial Affairs Officers or his/her designee shall determine whether the conditions have been satisfied or violated. The student’s Academic Dean will be notified that the student is on Disciplinary Probation II, as well as the student’s parent(s)/guardian if he/she is a dependent.

Interim Suspension: Imposed when a Judicial Affairs Officer or his/her designee has reasonable cause to believe that a student’s presence on campus presents a significant risk of substantial harm to the student, other individuals, or property; or an ongoing threat of disrupting the normal operations of the college.

Suspension: Complete separation from all college activities, grounds, services, or facilities. Upon return to the college, the student will be placed, automatically on Disciplinary Probation II for a minimum of one academic year. A suspension shall be noted as a “disciplinary suspension” on student records. A copy of the notice is sent to the student’s Academic Dean and to the student’s parent(s)/guardian if he/she is a dependent. Suspensions are indicated for a period that may be one semester, one academic year, or two academic years. After he/she completes their suspension the student may reapply to the college.

Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the college. This includes all activities, services, facilities, grounds, as well as any satellite campus, on-line courses, undergraduate, and graduate schools. The student will have a notification of “expulsion” on his/her transcript. Students are not eligible for re-entry to the College.

Other Sanctions: Other sanctions may be imposed by the Judicial Affairs Officer or Student Hearing Board. For example, students may be required to complete alcohol or drug counseling, write a reflective paper, complete an online exercise or community service hours, or be placed on a behavioral contract.