General Education
General Education Course Requirements
Graduate Outcomes and General Education Essentials
Profile of a Pierpont Graduate
Annual Notification: All career and technical education courses and programs are offered at Pierpont regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability.
General education outcomes lay a core foundation of learning and academic background for all Pierpont students and support specific degree programs by demonstrating a continual growth in student learning and knowledge. Requirements may include specific general education courses, embedded course outcomes, or extracurricular experiences that are global or specified for each program of study. In addition, the outcomes reflect current national accreditation and WVCTCS recommendations.
Pierpont faculty are dedicated to supporting the mission of the College and promoting the skills and attitudes that every graduate should possess, thereby enriching the quality of life of our students, and promoting the economic growth of our service region and state.
Each program of study is responsible for determining the appropriate platform for delivery of general education outcomes (specific courses broad in nature, embedded outcomes, extracurricular experiences, etc.) and establishing assessment measures and improvement plans to benefit student learning in their discipline. The General Education Committee is charged with evaluation of the quality and validity of the programmatic plans as related to student learning.
In addition to tracking graduate outcome progress across the curriculum, General Education course completion or the equivalent is expected for all degree and certificate programs.
Statewide Minimum Requirements for Credit Hours of General Education
Associate of Arts |
24 Hours |
Associate of Science |
24 Hours |
Associate of Applied Science |
15 Hours |
Certificate of Applied Science |
6 Hours (quantitative and communication) |
Pierpont faculty, administration, the business community, and our graduates have worked together to identify the following qualities and outcomes that are essential for each Pierpont graduate to possess.
Benchmark program and capstone course assessments will be used to monitor progress for each outcome and are available with your program of study.
Write effectively at college level expectations
Speak effectively at college level expectations
Practice ethical behavior, including professional standards of behavior and time management
Critical Thinking
Analyze information from various sources in order to propose and justify solutions to problems
Technical Literacy
Demonstrate the ability to use and adapt to current and new technologies in the context of academic and workplace application
Quantitative Literacy
Demonstrate proficiency in using and applying mathematical concepts and skills in personal or workplace situations
Global Awareness/Diversity
Demonstrate how issues of diversity both in our state and around the world affect us and our profession/service
Profile of a Pierpont Graduate
A Pierpont graduate is prepared for the growing demands of the workforce and continuing academic studies. A Pierpont graduate has demonstrated the ability to analyze and problem solve, make informed decisions, communicate ideas, and exemplify professionalism in a larger community.